Ongoing Research

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DescriptionStatusLead InvestigatorLinkLast UpdatedKeywords
Evaluation of the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Provision and Uptake of Services for the Prevention of Mother-to-child Transmission of HIV and Syphilis in ZimbabweObservational Study

Currently Recruiting Partcipants
Mutsa Bwakura-Dangarembizi, University of Zimbabwe Clinical Research CentreClick Here2021 AprilTesting, Mother-to-child transmission, COVID-19, dual elimination, prevention, antenatal
Evaluate the efficacy of oral cefixime as an alternative treatment for syphilis infectionInterventional Study; Phase 2 Clinical Trial

Currently Recruiting Participants
Dr. Jeffrey D. Klausner, University of CaliforniaClick Here2020 May Treatment, benzathine penicillin G, Cefixime
Congenital Syphilis Retrospective Survey StudyObservational Study; Retrospective Cohort

Not Yet Recruiting
Dr. Jaime Altcheh, Hospital de Niños R. Gutierrez de Buenos AiresClick Here2019 OctoberCongenital syphilis, prevalence
Implementation Strategy of Bio-molecular Techniques for Early Diagnose of Congenital Syphilis and Chagas DiseasesObservational Study; Prospective Cohort

Currently Recruiting Participants
Dr. Jaime Altcheh, Hospital de Niños R. Gutierrez de Buenos AiresClick Here2019 NovemberTesting, congenital syphilis, Chagas disease, diagnostics
Introduction Study of Dual HIV & Syphilis Rapid Diagnostic Tests in Antenatal Clinics in ColombiaInterventional Study

Recruitment Completed
Universidad Nacional de ColombiaClick Here2021 MayTesting, syphilis, HIV, dual elimination, mother-to-child transmission, testing, rapid diagnostic test, diagnostics
Clinical Trial of Doxycycline VS BPG for Early Syphilis (SY-DOXY) (SY-DOXY)Interventional Study; Phase 3 Clinical Trial

Not Yet Recruiting
Dr. Nicolas Dupin, APHP Assistance Publique des Hôpitaux de ParisClick Here2021 AprilTreatment, early syphilis, benzathine penicillin G
Point of Care Tests for Syphilis and HIV (PoSH)Interventional (Clinical Trial) Study

Currently Recruiting Participants
Ameeta Singh, University of AlbertaClick Here2020 AugustTesting, diagnostic, syphilis, HIV
Phase 4 Comparative Trial of Benzathine Penicillin G for Treatment of Early Syphilis in Subjects With or Without HIV InfectionInterventional Study; Phase 4 Clinical Trial

Currently Recruiting Participants
Sponsor: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious DiseasesClick Here2021 AugustTreatment, syphilis, benzathine penicillin G, HIV
Transcriptomic and Next Generation Sequencing Approaches to Infection With Treponema PallidumObservational Study;
Prospective Cohort

Active, Not Recruiting
Sponsor: London School of Hygiene and Tropical MedicineClick Here2020 SeptemberSyphilis, sequencing
Cefixime Clinical TrialInterventional Study; Phase 3 Clinical Trial

Currently Recruiting Participants
Dr. Jeffrey Klausner, University of Southern CaliforniaClick Here2021 JulyTreatment, syphilis, HIV, benzathine penicillin G, Cefixime
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Point-of-care Diagnostic Technologies in MCH Services in MozambiqueInterventional (Clinical Trial) Study

Recruitment Completed
Dr. Caroline DeSchacht, Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation

Dr. Ilesh V Jani, Instituto Nacional de Saúde, Mozambique
Click Here2020 JulySyphilis, HIV, diagnostics
Counseling and Reminders for Regular HIV and STIs Screening (Napneung-1)Interventional (Clinical Trial) Study

Recruitment Completed
Dr. Gonzague JourdainClick Here2021 FebruarySyphilis, STI, HIV, counseling, prevalence, cost-effectiveness
Introduction Study of Dual HIV & Syphilis Rapid Diagnostic Tests in Antenatal Clinics in ColombiaInterventional (Clinical Trial) Study

Recruitment Completed
Sponsor: Universidad Nacional de ColombiaClick Here2021 MayTesting, syphilis, diagnostic, HIV, antenatal, rapid diagnostic test